Monday, July 12, 2010

i've been picking apart this blog to figure out why there's a background image that Suzanne doesn't want... i found the code finally... repeated in each posting! I deleted it all and now i'm seeing if this post includes the sly code... i may have to delve deeper.


  1. success!! I don't know how it repeated itself every time she made a post, but clearing it out of each post seems to have done the trick.

  2. looking at a lot of other pages, I think the way they coded the cutesy background, which came from some page named something like, into the postings works well if you have your archive settings so the pages post independently. Then you can change your background img for every posting w/o screwing up the whole page.

    sometimes I miss this kind of nerdy.

  3. Jed! thank for for being my brilliant and patient husband!
